Matthew Mitchell

Fullstack Dev | Problem Solver

Linkedin / GitHub / Twitter / Resume

Hi! My name is Matthew and I live in beautiful northern Colorado! I am a software engineer that specializes in fullstack web development. I love solving problems and helping people's websites and applications come to life. In my free time I enjoy riding bikes, hiking and anything else outdoors!

Technologies and Frameworks

Here are some of the technologies and frameworks I work with:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML and CSS
  • React
  • Node and Express
  • MongoDB
  • TailwindCSS

From the basics of HTML and CSS all the way to complexity of JavaScript and React, I implement multiple languages and frameworks which allow me to build more robust websites and applications for employers and freelance clients alike.

Recent Projects and Work

Here is a small collection of my recent work including Fullstack and Frontend projects. I enjoy the challenge of making websites and application ideas become reality.

Stitched to Death

Stitched to Death is a full stack web application for the needlework community. Current functionality is a social media platform. Upcoming features will include information on events, stores and other crafting related content. Created with JavaScript, Express, Mongoose, EJS and TailwindCSS

Bean Envy

Bean Envy is a website built for a coffee shop. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Graphic Designer Portfolio

This site is a mockup for a client for their graphic design portfolio. It utilizes JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

Scott Friel Resume

This resume was created for a client to showcase their resume.

Get in touch

Please reach out to discuss your project ideas or with any job opportunities you feel fit my skill set.